Sunday, May 30, 2010

Holy Trinity and the Feast of God

Mon. Bouasse Lebel

Reign of Jesus in the Soul

My beloved
is a garden enclosed
and a fountain

Letaille, Paris
I know my sheep
and my sheep know Me.
He who dwells in the shelter
of the Most High,
shall abide under the protection
of the God of Heaven.
Psalm 90
God watches over us.

Walk in my Presence,
and you will
become perfect.

From Doves and the Trinity

To the little birds,
God gives
the pasture.

From Doves and the Trinity

The Love of God

Gentle Savior,
to know You
is to love You
above all.

Athenasian Creed

Letaille. Paris

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Divine Shepherdess

If you want to be
my sheep,
I will be your shepherdess.
If you want to be
my pupils,
I will be your teacher.
If you want to be
my children,
I will be your mother.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Divine Fragrance
of Jesus Christ

Dear children,
that Jesus Christ,my Son,
might be the life of your hearts!

You have given me everything
in giving me Jesus.
I thank you for Him
by copying His virtues:
purity, love and humility.

Ch. Letaille, Paris
Edit. pontifical Pl. 351

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Virgin of the Lilies

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Effects of divine love

Turgis, Paris

Blessed are the peacemakers
for they shall be called
the children of God.
Matthew 5:9

Bouasse Lebel
plate 449

Wisdom of the Bee
Gift of Intelligence
Lord give me the gift of
Your intelligence,
and I will live.
based on
Psalm 18 also Psalm 19
Bouasse-Lebel, Paris
Plate 144

not used

Pray always
for the Holy Spirit
to pour out on us
His Gifts and His Graces.

From Come, Holy Spirit

Dopter, Paris
The Gift of Piety
Let my prayer arise to You my God, like an ardent flame.
L. Turgis Jne., Paris
Plate 117

From Come Holy Spirit


Ch. Letaille, Pl. 535
Boumard, edit.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

When invoking Mary.
please remember me.
Hand painted
with embroidery or
cloth decoupage

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Divine Shepherdess

I dare lift my eyes
to you.

Bes & Dubrieul

Sunday, May 16, 2010

St. Simon Stock: Feastday, May 16

Read about St. Simon Stock
Hoe voordeelig is het, de Moeder Gods tot Moeder te hebben.
~St. Teresa of Avila
Difficult to translate the Dutch. My best guess:
The Favor is this: God's Mother becomes the Mother within.
or perhaps:
The Favor is this: You become the habitation of the Mother of God.

~St. Teresa of Avila

Series Carmelitina 1,
Kublen, Gladbach

Promise of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to St. Simon Stock:
Whoever dies clothed in this Scapular shall not suffer the flames of hell.


Bouasse-Lebel, Paris

Love Me.
Serve Me.
I will lead you
to happiness.

Dopter, Paris

Saturday, May 15, 2010

O, Infant Son,
of the Virgin Mother,
have mercy on us.

Bouasse Jeune, Paris

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

As the eagle
teacher her young
to rise in the air,
Mary teaches us
to raise our hearts
to God.

Bouasse Lebel, Paris

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

In America
a day to celebrate the joy
and privilege of motherhood.

The Bread of True Life

Letaille, Paris 
E. Boumard, edit.