Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dear friends of Holy Card Heaven,
It has been my joy and my privilege to be able to bring this gentle faith art to you each day for the last few years.  Since the passing of my beloved in April of 2015, the daily postings have become at times sporadic, and, because I don't want to disappoint by missing days - sometimes even weeks or months - I feel that, at least for now, I need to discontinue the daily posts.  I will, however, leave all of the pages archived on the web so that you can visit them at any time. 
I close with a posting of the Heart of Divine Love by Flemish engraver Cornelius de Boudt, (1660-1737).  Because I find that within this image and its message, is space for endless meditation, after the translation of the words of Cornelius de Boudt, I took the liberty of sharing my interpretation of this most precious image:
Heart of Divine Love
"and they were all from one Heart and Will."

The Sacred Heart of  Our Savior,
inseparably encircled by the Father's Heart
draws together as one ~ in an infinite community of love ~ all those in whom the image of the Triune God has been restored (the saints)
and all of us who, through the action of the Holy Spirit, are being sanctified.

This image, like the perspective afforded by the Holy Icons,
lets us look through its window into heaven
and from from that holy vantage, look back into our world
where, together with the artist,
we praise the Heart of Jesus and await with joy
His promise of the return of all creation
to the place of its beginning.